January Social – Eat you some Hon’s for great good
Hi All, With cauliflower at $8 a head, getting your vitamins and minerals is more important than ever. In the interest of stretching our meager budget as far as possible and making as many of you as full as possible, we would like to get everyone together for a quantity over quality type meal at […]
PhD exit semininar – Daniel Lai – BIOF – Friday, Jan 22
PhD Exit Seminar – Daniel Lai
Bioinformatics PhD Defense (ANDREW ROTH) – November 26
Roth Programme
Bioinformatics go Bowling ~
Hello bioinformaticians, The November social will be happening this week. We’re going bowling at Revs!!! It will be so fun!!! Please complete the doodle below by Tuesday. http://doodle.com/poll/mx34y92uxa9hn46x Mike and Santina
B.I.G. Research Day Technology Talks Invitation
Hello all, My name is Veronique and I am a member of the organizing committee for the upcoming BTP/IOP/GSAT Research Day, which will be held on Friday, March 11th. For those of you who haven’t attended one of these yet, this is a yearly event for students and faculty from the three graduate programs mentioned […]
Sohrab Salehi exit seminar
Title: dd-PyClone: Clonal Subpopulation Inference from Single Cells and Bulk Sequencing Data Location 11am at the BC cancer agency’s lecture hall Abstract Improving our understanding of intra-tumour heterogeneity in cancer has important clinical implications, including an opportunity to understand mechanisms behind relapses and drug resistance. Next generation bulk sequencing is a mature tech- nology that […]
Andrew Roth – PhD exit seminar
What BIOINFORMATICS SEMINAR When Friday, November 6th, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Where Gordon & Leslie Diamond Family Theatre Who Andrew Roth Topic “Probabilistic models for identification and interpretation of somatic single nucleotide variants in cancer genomes.” Next 2nd Pivotal Training “Insights from Pivotal Hadoop Training: Part 2” This presentation will be available from the […]
Hello Boings, A few of us from yesterday’s BIOF social are planning to go karaoke (again) next week! Date: Friday, November 6th at 6pm (to 7pm/8pm depending the number of people we have) Place: Fantacity 1133 Robson St, Vancouver, BC Please let me know if you plan to join us. Sorry for those interested but can’t make […]
Halloween and Thanksgiving party – October social
Hey guys, Just a reminder that the event is tonight, at around 6pm at Mike&Emily’s (6229 Elm St.). 5pm if you want to help out with cooking and take the first bites of the food. We didn’t get a turkey, but food we are having are still pretty awesome: lentils soup and rice chicken drumsticks […]
VanBUG] Next VanBUG Seminar: Dr. Leonid Chindelevitch Nov 5th 6pm
Vanbug_poster_2015_11 Please join us for our next VanBUG seminar with Dr. Leonid Chindelevitch from SFU Dept of Computer Science, who will give a talk titled “Modelling infectious disease epidemics” on November 5th, 2015 at 6pm. Abstract: Infectious diseases continue to affect the lives of millions of people around the world, but we still understand relatively little […]