[VanBUG] Speakers Feb 9, Mar 8, Apr 12
Mark your calendars with VanBUG talks and networking at 6pm Thurs Feb 9, Thurs Mar 8, Thurs Apr 12. We provide feeds for Google Calendar or other iCal-based calendars at http://www.vanbug.org/calendar/ *Feb 9*, 2012 Short Presentation: Warren Cheung, PhD candidate, Wasserman Lab, CMMT Title: Biomedical Topic Profiles from Bibliographical Literature Evidence Featured Speaker: William Hsaio, […]
UPDATED!! APBC2013 The Eleventh Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference
APBC2013 The Eleventh Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference Website: APBC2013 (Temporarily down!) Temporarily back-up conference website: https://sites.google.com/site/apbc2013backupsite2013/home PROGRAM OUTLINE: APBC 2013 Final Program (CLICK TO DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAM) Vancouver, BC, Canada 21-24 January 2013 APBC2013 Call for Papers The Eleventh Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference will be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada. APBC2013 invites high quality original full papers on any topic […]
BTP/IOP retreat 2012
Dear BTP and IOP student, You are invited to our annual Bioinformatics & Oncology Research Day, where you’ll have the opportunity to present your work and find out about the fascinating, interdisciplinary research presently going on around you. Highlights include guest speakers, poster sessions, lunch and dinner buffets, lightning talks, and prizes to be won! […]
PhD Exit Seminar – Leon French – Friday, January 13th – 11:00 am BCCRC lecture theatre
EXIT SEMINAR Leon French B.Sc. Computer Science, University of Windsor, 2003 M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Windsor, 2005 Friday, Jan 13, 2012 at 11 AM LOCATION: Lecture Theatre, BCCRC Bioinformatics for Neuroanatomical Connectivity Abstract: Neuroscience research is increasingly dependent on bringing together large amounts of data collected at the molecular, anatomical, functional and behavioural levels. […]
[VanBUG] next VanBUG Thurs, Feb 9
The next VanBUG event will take place Thursday, February 9, 2012. Featured speaker: William Hsiao, Scientist, BC Centre for Disease Control There will be no VanBUG event in January. Stefanie Butland for the VanBUG team Cedric Chauve Bhavjinder Dhillon Rodrigo Goya Elodie Portales-Casamar VanBUG is generously sponsored by the CIHR Bioinformatics Training Program, MITACS, PIMS, […]
Ryan Morin wins Skarsgard award
Ryan Morin wins Skarsgard award : BC Cancer Research Centre – Lloyd Skarsgard Research Excellence Award for Outstanding Graduate Student
Evolution, Development & Genomics 2012 Symposium – Early registration deadline & scholarship availability
The Future of Evo-Devo – Genomes in context: Systems, populations and environment February 10-12, 2012 The Nines in Portland, OR www.evodevo2012.org Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for travel to, and attendance of our symposium: “The Future of Evo-Devo – Genomes in context: systems, populations and environment.” The deadline for […]
Thursday, Nov 17, 6pm – Paul Pavlidis, The ruin of gene network analysis by multifunctionality
Please post poster available at http://vanbug.org —————————————————————- Next VanBUG (Vancouver Bioinformatics User Group) talk is on Thursday, November 17 at 6pm. The seminar is followed by pizza, refreshments and great networking. *Note* Nov 17 is a week later than the usual monthly VanBUG date. *Intro speaker* (10mins): Rebecca Worsley Hunt, PhD candidate, Wasserman Lab at […]
[VanBUG] Bioinformatics Event: Don Rix Distinguished Keynote Address
The VanBUG team occasionally forwards events of interest to the local bioinformatics community. The upcoming event is posted on the Bioinformatics Event Calendar at: http://www.vanbug.org/calendar/ ———————————————————————- On Tuesday, November 1, 2011 Genome BC will be hosting Dr. Leroy Hood as the keynote speaker for the 2nd annual Don Rix Distinguished Keynote Address. Speaker: Dr. Leroy […]
APBC2012 Call for Posters – Melbourne Australia
CALL FOR POSTERS (APBC 2012) The Tenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2012) 17-19 Jan, 2012, Melbourne, Australia http://homepage.cs.latrobe.edu.au/ypchen/APBC2012/ Please consider submitting a poster to the conference. The deadline for Posters submission is 25th Oct 2011. The details of the call for posters can be found here: http://homepage.cs.latrobe.edu.au/ypchen/APBC2012/ and click ‘Call for Posters’ We are looking forward […]