VanBUG 2015-16 Season Opener: Dr. Fiona Brinkman – Sept 17th 6pm
VanBUG is opening its 2015-2016 season with a talk by Dr. Fiona Brinkman on September 17, 2015 at 6pm. Dr. Brinkman’s talk is titled: “Microbes (and why all bioinformaticists should care about them)”. Abstract: As sequencing technology now allows us to rapidly sequence many microbial genomes daily, microbial bioinformatics is facing multiple challenges in large […]
UBC MD/PhD Open House
Dear professors, administrators and students, We would appreciate you distributing the following announcement for our upcoming event to the undergraduate and Master’s students in your school/program: UBC MD/PhD Program Open House Friday Sept 11th, 2015 1:30PM-4:30PM Location: Michael Smith Lab, 102 Lecture Theatre, G/F, 2185 East Mall, UBC Campus Speakers: Amanda Dancsok, Adam Ramzy, and […]
PhD defense – Katayoon Kasaian – Sept 2, 2015
Kasaian Programme
MSc exit seminar -Alice Zhu
MSc exit seminar -Alice Zhu
2016 Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship Program – Open for Applications
If you are interested in applying for this award (and are eligible – please read eligibility rules carefully and let me know by Sept 15 if you are going to apply) – please have all your applications materials to me by Thursday, Oct 1. I am the one that needs to upload your application materials, […]
Competition Announcement: Tri-Agency/Affiliated Doctoral Competitions
Here are the links to the applications for CIHR, NSERC and UBC Affiliated Scholarships. The internal deadline to have your NSERC or Affiliated applications complete is Friday, Sept 25. Please save a copy of it, and scan and email it to me that day. Do not submit it on-line until I tell you, as I […]
MSFSS Fall Competition – deadline Sept 11, 2015
Call for applications: Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements, Fall Competition Deadline Friday, 11 September, 2015 Annual Value up to $6,000 for three to six months The Canada Graduate Scholarship Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (CGS-MSFSS) Program supports high-calibre Canadian graduate students pursuing exceptional research experiences at research institutions outside of Canada. This program is available […]
Postdoctoral fellowship in the analysis of genome 3D architecture
A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the lab of William Stafford Noble in the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. The project involves developing, validating and applying statistical and computational methods for analyzing the three-dimensional conformation of DNA in the nucleus. The research will be carried out in collaboration […]
[VanBUG] VanBUG 2015-16 Season – Save the Dates!
VanBUG is kicking off its 14th season on Thursday, September 17th at 6pm with Dr. Fiona Brinkman from Simon Fraser University. This season, we are featuring many local bioinformatic stars including new faculty members. Events will take place at BCCRC Auditorium as before. This year, we also will be broadcasting and archiving the presentations for […]
MSc Exit seminar Emily Hindalong (BIOF student with Sohrab Shah) – August 7th