BIOF/GsAT/IOP retreat – Friday, March 28th
Hi All, Please save Friday, March 28th for the first annual BIOF/GSAT/IOP retreat. Second, third and fourth years are required to attend and present a poster. First Years are required to attend, but are not required to present a poster. ************************* Sharon Ruschkowski Bioinformatics Graduate Program Coordinator 100-570 West 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC CANADA V5Z […]
Call for Registration & abstract submission – 4th IOP/BTP/GSAT Research Day
Dear IOP/BTP/GSAT students, You are invited to our 4th Annual IOP/BTP/GSAT Research Day (mandatory for students of 2nd year and above to do a poster)! This year, we get together students from 3 graduate programs (Interdisciplinary Oncology, Bioinformatics Training Program and Genome Science + Technology), making it the largest event so far! You will have […]
Bioinformatics job opportunity
Contextual Genomics Bioinformatics Job Summary_January 2014 I am a consultant scientist working with a new genomics company here in Vancouver called Contextual Genomics ( We are currently looking to fill a full time Bioinformatician position. My colleague Dr. Sohrab Shah and I (Sohrab is one of the founders of the company) want to extend the […]
[VanBUG] VanBUG Holiday Celebration and Lightning Talks Dec 13th
Dear all, The Vancouver Bioinformatics Users Group is hosting a holiday party with lightning talks and free food/drinks afterwards. Date: Friday Dec 13th, 2013 Time: 5pm – 9pm (schedule below) Place: BC Cancer Research Center at 675 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver For More information: Lightning talks: We are inviting members of the Vancouver bioinformatics […]
Postdoc announcement in Paris
A postdoctoral position is available in the Analytical Genomic Team at the Laboratory Genomics of Microorganisms, UMR 7238 CNRS-Université Pierre et Marie Curie. The postdoctoral researcher will participate to the MAPPING (Making Accurate Predictions of Protein-Protein Interactions on the Genomic scale) project, funded by the french Ministry of Research in the framework of the Programs […]
Bioinformatics Analyst Job
University of Calgary, is recruiting for a bioinformatics analyst who will support not just his lab, but several other bioinformatics projects in his faculty. It’s a new and very friendly faculty with a beautiful location in the new hospital/health sciences compound. Link to the posting is Cheers! Jenn Dr. Jennifer Gardy Senior Scientist, Molecular […]
VanBUG Speakers Series – Ryan Morin, 6pm Nov 14th 2013
Dr Ryan Morin will give a presentation titled: “Towards improved methods for identifying relevant mutations in cancer genomics data” Abstract: Owing to large international efforts, massive amounts of next-generation sequence (NGS) data deriving from individual primary tumour specimens are becoming available to the research community. The newfound knowledge resulting from meta-analysis of these large data […]
Dear BIOF faculty, Please see the attached Bioinformatics student presentation schedule. You are expected to attend if you have a student presenting. If you are unable to attend, please send a representative from your lab as your replacement. Thanks, Sharon ************************* Sharon Ruschkowski Bioinformatics Graduate Program Coordinator 100-570 West 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC CANADA V5Z […]
BIOF/IOP 2014 retreat – Volunteers required – deadline October 31
We are again organizing a combined retreat with IOP and require volunteers. If you would like to volunteer for this, please send me your name by October 31st. Thanks, Sharon ************************* Sharon Ruschkowski Bioinformatics Graduate Program Coordinator 100-570 West 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC CANADA V5Z 4S6
Bioinformatics Reading Group Information
The Bioinformatics Reading Group is a biweekly reading group discussing interesting research projects and papers generally related to the field of bioinformatics/computational biology. It has been working as an excellent way for people from different research groups to exchange minds and to familiarize one’s self with the current body of research literature in this fast-moving […]