Statistical Opportunity for Students (SOS)
By casshyr on September 24, 2015
**The Statistical Consulting and Research Laboratory (SCARL) is proud to offer an hour of statistical consulting to UBC graduate students at no charge to the student.
The SOS program is designed to help graduate students formulate and understand the statistical issues involved in their research projects. The program is open to all UBC graduate students. Interested students submit a one page description of their work outlining their statistical questions. They meet with consultants for an hour to discuss their questions and receive a written summary shortly after the meeting, all at no charge.
For further details on the program and how to apply please visit <>.
The SOS program is made possible through funding support from the
Office of the Provost <>and Vice President, Research and International <>.
Rick White
Managing Director
Statistical Consulting and Research Laboratory University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada.
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