As you are all aware, the deadline for CGS-Master’s applications Canada-wide is *5pm PST Monday, 1 December*.
This deadline is inflexible, and UBC has no administrative authority/means to extend the deadline for applicants. This deadline also applies to application materials provided by other parties than the applicant, such as reference letters. Failing to submit a reference letter on time will result in the applicant being unable to submit their application, and therefore missing out on this funding opportunity.
Please pass the following information on to your faculty members:
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies strongly recommends that referees complete their assessments and submit them on the CGSM portal well in advance of Monday’s deadline. At the very least, referees should confirm they are able to log into the CGSM portal to ensure that they are able to access the reference letter and complete the reference in the amount of time they have allotted. Some faculty have had trouble accessing and navigating in the portal, and others have run in to technological glitches.
The CGSM Help Desk is inundated with inquiries at this stage of the competition, and the closer to the deadline that they are contacted if there is a user or system issue, the less likely that they will be able to provide assistance.
A few common problems:
Identifying UBC as your institution: Our official name is “The University of British Columbia”, , begin typing “The” in order to locate UBC on this list.
Logging in to the portal: please ensure that you are logging in to the correct portal, using the same credentials each time. The CGSM portal is located at: https://portal-portail.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/s/login.aspx [3]
Save vs. submit: You may save your work in the reference form, but once you hit “submit”, you will not be able to retrieve the reference without asking the applicant to delete your reference and send you an entirely new link.
[1] https://faculty-staff.grad.ubc.ca/group/3909/announcement/4685
[2] https://faculty-staff.grad.ubc.ca
[3] https://portal-portail.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/s/login.aspx
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