Jobs at Centre for Lymphoid Cancer

The Centre for Lymphoid Cancer is looking for a promising “work-horse” bioinformatics person, likely MSC level, to fill a fulltime position ASAP. Any possible candidates or suggestions would be very much appreciated.



Randy D. Gascoyne

Clinical Professor of Pathology – UBC

Hematopathologist – BC Cancer Agency

Research Director, Centre for Lymphoid Cancers

Associate Editor, Haematologica

Distinguished Scientist BCCRC

Department of Pathology and Experimental Therapeutics

BC Cancer Agency & BC Cancer Research Centre

675 W 10th Avenue

Room 5-113

Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L3

Phone: 604 675-8025

Fax: 604 675-8183


Cell: 778 238-8008

Shipping Address for Research Pathology Materials:

Department of Pathology

Attention: Ms Holly Eely

BC Cancer Agency

600 W 10th Avenue

Room 3225

Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6


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