Dear UBC Graduate Students:
We are happy to invite you to apply to live at the MBA House starting in August – UBC’s newest residence, designed specifically for graduate students (singles and couples).
Designed to be a place where residents can gather together to share their experiences and ideas, MBA House exposes students to networking opportunities and to an environment supporting lifelong friendships through day-to-day interaction in the classroom, around campus and through a shared residential community.
The application process is straightforward. You simply fill out an application form and email Vanessa Sullivan at Village Gate Homes. From there, Village Gate Homes will review the application and send you the acceptance letter and package once your application has been approved.
More information on MBA House, as well as the application, can be found on the MBA House website at
If you have any questions about MBA House, please contact Vanessa Sullivan at
Kindest regards,
MBA & ECM Programs Office
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Sauder School of Business at UBC
MBA House email:
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