Google internships in bioinformatics

Google Internships in Bioinformatics
The Sjölander lab ( and Google are
collaborating in the development of an open-source bioinformatics
platform integrating bioinformatics methods and data associated with
gene families across the Tree of Life.   Paid internships are
available immediately for students with appropriate backgrounds, and
additional internships will be available throughout 2012.
Students with various skills and backgrounds are needed, including
databases, software engineering, statistical modeling and graphical
user interface design. Required background/skills include: Python
programming, coursework on algorithms and data structures, and
excellent communication skills. Training in bioinformatics will be
Applications Programmer and Postdoctoral Scholar positions are also
available in the Sjölander lab.
Interested applicants for any of these positions should contact
Professor Sjölander: kimmen ‘at’ berkeley dot edu.
Kimmen Sjölander, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Bioengineering
and Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
308C Stanley Hall #1762
University of California, Berkeley 94720

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