Pavlidis lab movie night
Hi all, you are invited to the third installment of the Pavlidis lab movie night. We have a special treat this time: a brand new, independent, genetically-themed, sci-fi movie called “The perfect 46”. The story centers around a genome-analysis company, The Perfect 46, that pairs an individual with their ideal genetic partner for children. The […]
Doctoral Exam Notice (COURTOT)
Courtot Programme
Exit seminar – Melanie Courtot – May 1
[VanBUG] VanBUG Speakers Series – Dna Pe’er, 6pm, April 10 2014
The next VanBUG event is on next Thursday, April 10th at 6pm. Dr. Dana Pe’er will give a presentation titled: “Revealing heterogeneity between and within tumors” Abstract: “Systematic characterization of cancer genomes has revealed a staggering complexity and heterogeneity of aberrations among individuals. More recently appreciated that intra-tumor heterogeneity is of critical importance, each tumor […]
[VanBUG] PIMS Analytic RNA Combinatorics
he PIMS Applied Combinatorics CRG presents PARC workshop PIMS Analytic RNA Combinatorics April 15 – 16 2014 Simon Fraser University Burnaby Campus Current RNA bioinformatics strongly relies on discrete abstractions and decomposition schemes for the conformation of nucleic acids. This workshop will bring together scientists from bioinformatics, mathematics and computer science in an attempt to […]
BIOF Research rotation Talks – Friday, March 21st – 1:30 – 3:30 PM
Hi all, Attached is the Research rotation talks Agenda for Friday, March 21st. If you have a student presenting, you are required to be present, at least for their talk. If you are unable to attend, you should send a representative from your lab. Thanks, Sharon ************************* Sharon Ruschkowski Bioinformatics Graduate Program Coordinator 100-570 West […]
Dr. Rob Knight special seminar
Dear All, On Monday March 17th, Centre for Microbial Diversity and Evolution is hosting a Special Seminar presented by Dr. Rob Knight. Dr. Knight is the world expert in microbial ecology in today’s big data era. From the earth to human gut, microbes are everywhere and so as the field of his research. He is […]
BCCA Research Seminar Series – Olivier Elemento – March 17th
The VanBUG team occasionally forwards events of interest to the local bioinformatics community. The upcoming event is posted on the Bioinformatics Event Calendar at: ——————————————————————————————————— BCCA RESEARCH SEMINAR SERIES presents a seminar on “The genomic and epigenomic evolution of cancer” by Olivier Elemento, PhD Assistant Professor Head, Laboratory of Cancer Systems Biology Department of Physiology […]
Canadian Student Health Research Forum – Call for nominations
If you are interested in applying for this award, which is due this Saturday, please let me know by Wednesday, March 12th. If there is more than one student interested, I will need your abstracts by Friday, so I can get a committee to choose whose abstract goes forward. Please make sure you look at […]
Bioinformatics Reading Group, Call for talks
Hi everyone, We are starting a new series of presentations in Bioinformatics Reading Group. I would like to take this opportunity for inviting people to present their work/research/paper in the bioinformatics bi-weekly meeting on Mondays 3:00pm-4:00pm (CS/ ChiBi building). If you have a visitor coming up or a postdoc who is willing to give a […]