Hello all,
My name is Veronique and I am a member of the organizing committee for the upcoming BTP/IOP/GSAT Research Day, which will be held on Friday, March 11th. For those of you who haven’t attended one of these yet, this is a yearly event for students and faculty from the three graduate programs mentioned (the bioinformatics training program, the interdisciplinary oncology program, and the genome science and technology program) that typically includes poster presentations, a keynote address, and themed workshops.
This year, we’d like to try something new, and have a second workshop session with student-led ‘technology talks’. While formal invitations and registration opportunities will be arriving shortly, we wanted to send an early invitation for anyone who might be interested in giving such a talk. This will NOT be a research presentation, but rather a talk focused on a particular technology or technique that you’d like to share with other students (e.g., flow cytometry, github, etc.). It will be a ~20 minute talk, with time for questions. Given that the three programs include students pursuing research in a wide range of subjects, we believe that this presents a fantastic learning opportunity for the audience, as well as an opportunity for those interested to share their skills with colleagues.
If you are interested in giving one of these ‘technology talks’, please send me an email (vleblanc@bcgsc.ca) by Monday, January 11th describing your proposed presentation in a few sentences. The organizing committee will choose three of these to be presented during the research day, with an emphasis on covering a wide range of subjects of interest to our audience.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Veronique LeBlanc
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