Brain Canada and NeuroDevNet Partnership
Developmental Neurosciences Research Training Awards
Brain Canada and NeuroDevNet have partnered to host a competition for training awards in the development neurosciences valued up to $30,000 per year for graduate students and $50,000 per year for postdoctoral fellows. Details and application instructions of these Developmental Neuroscience Research Training Awards are at
In addition to the application process specified by Brain Canada, UBC graduate students and post-doctoral fellows applying to the Brain Canada/NeuroDevNet Training Awards must submit the following by 4:00pm on Friday 10 July 2015 to
1. A copy of the Research Proposal (2-page max including references) and Applicant CV (use format recommended by the Brain Canada/NeuroDevNet Training Competition).
2. Letter outlining commitment of the 1:1 match funding with a signature at least at the level of Department Head or Centre Director.
a) Note: eligible sources of the match funding include individual donors, charitable organizations, provincial government agencies and ministries, for-profit enterprises, research institutions, hospitals and health-care organizations, and any other entities, including foreign entities or organizations, that are eligible to receive funding from the granting councils but do not receive more than 50% of their funding from the Government of Canada (including Tri-Council funding). Examples of ineligible sources of funding would be a grant funded by a granting council such as CIHR or any program supported more than 50% by Tri-Council funds. Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada (NCE) funding is also ineligible to be used for match funding.
b) Note: if awarded, the UBC Office of Research Services will assist in sending the match funding to Brain Canada, as the match funding must flow through the Brain Canada accounts. Match funding of $17,500 per year for graduate students ($35,000 in total) and $27,500 per year for postdoctoral fellows ($55,000 in total) is required. (These amounts will accommodate the $5,000 per year Career Development Supplement, in addition to the stipend).
3. UBC Research Project Information Form (RPIF – completed by the Supervisor with the student’s name in brackets. The matching funding should be detailed in section Biii and on the Budget lines. Appropriate signatures must be obtained, depending on the Faculty (minimum Department Head or Centre Director).
4. Note: applications from the Child and Family Research Institute (CFRI) will be handled directly by CFRI (contact Sandra Elias, Manager-Research Education at or 604-875-3722).
5. As required by Brain Canada, UBC Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will forward a list of the applicants with confirmed matching funds to Brain Canada.
6. Trainees need to submit their package online by 16:00 EST (13:00 Vancouver time) on Wednesday 15 July 2015.
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