Call for Papers: CIBB 2015 special session on ‘New knowledge from old data: power of data analysis and integration methods’
Call for Papers: CIBB 2015 special session on ‘New knowledge from old data: power of data analysis and integration methods’September 10-12, 2015Naples, Italy AIMS AND SCOPE: Mammalian systems constitute over 200 cell types, each specialized to perform a distinct function, and yet all cell types share the same DNA sequence. Epigenetic marks on DNA and histone tails […]
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MSc exit seminar – Calvin
BC Food Protection Association – Spring Speaker’s Evening on May 6, 2015
The VanBUG team occasionally forwards events of interest to the localbioinformatics community. The upcoming event is posted on theBioinformatics Event Calendar at:——————————————————————————————————— Dear all, Below is an event with a few talks applying genomics and bioinformatics to food safety issues. They may be of interest to some. Thanks. For more information, please contact Simon Cowell […]