Dear Graduate Program Staff and Advisors:
In preparation for May 2015 graduation (awarding of degree and Congregation). I have listed below the SISC search instructions on how to generate your department’s student graduation list.
If you know that a student should be graduating this Spring, but is not in your SISC graduation list, please advise the student to apply for graduation on the SSC. The application is available on the Student Service Centre until Friday, April 17, 2015.
For students who have applied for graduation, please review their records to ensure that all outstanding course grades have been entered. After Monday, April 20, 2015, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will be sending e-mails to departments to follow up on outstanding student program requirements (i.e. grades, program completion memos, thesis receipts etc.).
1) Log into SISC
2) Press the Search button (top right corner)
3) Under Standard Queries tab choose (top left):
Student: Graduation
4) Under the Search window (bottom left corner):
– Conferral Period: “201405” for May 2015 graduation. (Please use the Conferral Period to search and not the Ceremony Date)
– Graduation Application status: “Any”
– Program: enter degree code (e.g. “MED”)
– Specialization1: enter the numeric spec codes or click on the 3 dotted button which will take you to another screen …
– Program: enter degree code (e.g. “MED”)
– Subject (Primary): choose spec in the drop down list (e.g. “CNPS”)
– Press Search button
– The MED spec code list will appear at the left window
– Double click on the MED spec code line
– The MED CNPS spec code will appear in the Results box (top of screen)
– Click on the OK button
– You are now back in the main search screen where the spec code you’ve selected is now in the Specialization 1 field
– Press Search button
– the list of students who have applied for graduation will appear in the right window screen
6) Repeat above step to add more degree search (e.g.: MA, MSc etc.) so that you have one list of all graduate candidates in your department. Then press the “Append” button (NOT the Start Search button). The new graduation list search results will then be appended to the list you’ve initially generated.
7) Once you have a list, you can choose to press either the “Print” button to get a printout of the list or “Export” button to export and save the file in Excel format.
– Spring convocation schedule and other graduation info are available at
– Enrolment Services will email gown and tickets information to students on behalf of the Ceremonies & Events office to students who have indicated on their graduation application that they plan to attend the convocation ceremony.
Important Dates to Remember:
April 17, 2015
Last day for applications for graduation (awarding of degree and Congregation) to be submitted to Enrolment Services by all graduate students expecting to graduate in May 2015. Application is made through the Student Service Centre.
Last day for final master’s theses and doctoral dissertations to be accepted by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for May. Must be approved and accepted by 4:00 pm.
Last day for graduate programs to notify the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies that all requirements (including major papers) have been met for non-thesis master’s degrees for May.
April 20 – April 24, 2015
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will check graduation lists for missing requirements and forward lists to Departments
April 27 – April 30, 2015
Departments to confirm that the lists are complete. Please note that we will not be able to make any changes to the Graduation list after Thursday, April 30, 2015, as we will be preparing the list of Degree Candidates for the Policy Committee and the Senate Meeting.
Policy Committee Meeting – Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Senate Committee Meeting – Wednesday, May 13, 2015
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Evelyn Sanderson
Academic Support Manager | Office of the Dean and Vice-Provost | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
Phone 604 822 3558 | Fax 604 822 5802
170 – 6371 Crescent Road | Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z2.
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