TA Applications for 2015-2016 Winter Session – BIOC 301 and BIOC 302‏

BIOC 301 TAapplication2015-2016 BIOC 301 TAapplication2015-2016 BIOC 301 TAposting2015-2016 BIOC 302 TAapplication2015-16 BIOC 302 TAapplication2015-16 BIOC 302 TAposting2015-2016

Dear Grad Staff,

Please redirect and advertise to your grads.


Biochemistry has posted BIOC 301 & BIOC 302 TA opportunities for 2015-2016 Winter Session.  If you are interested in TA’ing please fill out and submit your applications.

Thank you for your assistance,



Doris Metcalf
Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, UBC
Tel: (604) 822-5925
email: bioc.grad@ubc.ca

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