Register for your thesis
You want to register for term 1 and 3 which is the 003 , unless you are almost finished your thesis, then you want to register term by term, so you don’t have to pay tuition fees for time you are not at UBC. tatus Section Activity Term Interval Days Start Time End Time Comments […]
Post-doc opportunity
Dear Madam/Sir We are looking for independent, dedicated Bioinformaticians as post-doctorate fellows for a project aimed at revealing the mechanisms of cancer-resistance and anti-cancer activity of the hypoxia-tolerant subterranean, blind mole-rat, Spalax (if you wish to have a clue you can watch the links down in my signature. More info in the attached ad). Our […]
Bioinformatics needs a GSS Councillor!
Hi everyone The GSS Council is now accepting applications for a councillors for the new academic year. Each program gets to appoint one student to the GSS Coucil – and we don’t have one! We’d like to have a Bioinformatics representative in the council for next year so that we can get more perks and […]