My name is Jenah Alibhai and I am writing this request on behalf of Undergraduate Research Opportunities (URO). This is an undergraduate society that exposes students to research in the hopes of helping them make an informed decision about whether they would like to pursue research in the future. Our program works by having graduate mentors set up a research proposal with undergraduate students; this way students get exposed to the components of a research project (formulating a question, generating mock results and putting together a poster) without having to be in a formal laboratory setting.
We are requesting your assistance as the Graduate Program Coordinator of the Bioinformatics department. We are hoping that you could send the graduate students in your department an email about our program and our need for graduate students to serve as mentors for the program. This would help greatly with the recruitment of graduate mentors for our program and thus our ability to extend the program to include a greater scope of students. This experience would be a great opportunity for all parties involved: for the undergraduate student to gain exposure to research, for the graduate student to gain experience mentoring a student, and for labs to be on the lookout for promising students.
Thank you for considering our request. We have attached a draft email that could be forwarded to the graduate students for your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Jenah Alibhai
Research Experience Science Branch Coordinator
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Alma Matter Society
University of British Columbia
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