Progress reports: for students with multi-year awards, satisfactory academic progress is a condition of renewal. Progress report due dates for September award renewals were 1 June, 2014. There are approximately 100 students whose progress reports are overdue, and whose awards will not be renewed until they are received. Graduate Awards Clerks have been following up with students missing progress reports, but your assistance in tracking these students down, or ensuring they have completed this step before contacting Graduate Awards about missing payments is very much appreciated.
For BIOF students – Steve Jones is the graduate advisor – please email Louise Clarke for his signature :
For GSAT students – Phil Hieter is the graduate advisor – please email Lillianne Lui for his signature:
Sharon Ruschkowski
Bioinformatics Graduate Program Coordinator
100-570 West 7th Avenue
Vancouver, BC CANADA
V5Z 4S6
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