[VanBUG] VanBUG speakers series – Michel Dumontier, 6pm, March 13 2014‏

The next VanBUG event is on Thursday, March 13th at 6pm. Dr. Michel Dumontier will give a presentation titled:
“Powering Scientific Discovery with the Semantic Web”

“In the quest to translate the results biomedical research into effective clinical applications, many are now trying to make sense of the large and rapidly growing amount of public biomedical data. However, substantial challenges exist in traversing the currently fragmented data landscape. In this talk, I will discuss our efforts to use Semantic Web technologies to facilitate biomedical research through the formulation, publication, integration, and exploration of facts, expert knowledge, and web services.”

Dr. Michel Dumontier is an Associate Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics) at Stanford University. His research aims to develop computational methods to understand the mechanism of drug action and apply this knowledge to treat human disease. Dr. Dumontier serves as a co-chair for the World Wide Web Consortium Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (W3C HCLSIG) and is the Scientific Director for Bio2RDF, an open-source project to create and provide linked data for life sciences.

Dr. Dumontier’s talk will be proceed by a 10 min introductory talk by Fong Chun Chan, PhD Candidate, Shah Lab, BC Cancer Research Centre.
Title: to be announced

The other speakers for this year are as follow (save the dates!):

April 10th, 2014 – Dana Pe’er, Associate Professor, Columbia University
May 1st, 2014 (TBD) – Martin Kryzywinski, Scientist, Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre

Seminar is followed by complementary pizza, refreshments and great networking.
For updates on seminar topics and abstracts, please check out our website at http://vanbug.org.

Please note:
Trainees are invited to meet with the VanBUG speaker for open discussion
of both science and career paths. This takes place 4:30-5:30pm in either
the Boardroom or Lunchroom on the ground floor of the BCCRC

675 West 10th Avenue
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Family Theatre
BC Cancer Agency

March 13, 2014
Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Time: 7:30 PM (followed by pizza and drinks)

Contact Name:
William Hsiao

William Hsiao
on behalf of VanBUG Organization Team:
Cedric Chauve (Department of Mathematics, SFU)
Bhavjinder Dhillon (Brinkman Lab, SFU)
Rodrigo Goya (Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre & Centre for High-Throughput Biology, UBC)
William Hsiao (BCCDC Public Health Microbiology & Reference Laboratory)
Kieran O’Neill (BC Cancer Agency)
Raunak Shrestha (Collin’s Lab, Vancouver Prostate Centre)
Shing Hei Zhan (Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre)

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