***An Invitation to all UBC graduate students to join Let’s Talk Science***
Interested in Science or Engineering? Enjoy working with kids and youths? Want to give back to your community?
Let’s Talk Science is a national volunteering organization that strives to improve science literacy through outreach. We motivate and empower youth to use science, technology, math and engineering to develop critical skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to thrive in our world. We aim to make science FUN and interactive for kids in attempts to spark their interest in all areas of science.
There are numerous volunteer opportunities at Let’s Talk Science that suit a variety of personalities and schedules. At our core is the Teacher Partnership Program – a program which pairs a grad student volunteer with a teacher in the community, enabling the volunteer to get our of the lab and go into the classroom to perform hands-on experiments with the kids. We also take part in several types of community events such as science fairs, programs for underprivileged children from the Downtown Eastside, visits to rural BC, mentorships, Trek Program events and Reading Week projects.
Commitment is flexible! No experience is necessary (we provide training).
Come learn more about our exciting program at our next info/training session. Please attend one of the following:
When: Tuesday October 4 or Wednesday October 5
Time: 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Where: Tuesday in WOOD6 (Woodward IRC, UBC campus) or Wednesday at the Gordon and Leslie Diamond Family Theatre (BCCRC, off-campus at Vancouver General Hospital)
Please RSVP and indicate which session you will attend to volunteer@ubclts.com by September 30th. Pizza and drinks will be served!
We look forward to seeing you!
The LTS team
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