Grants available for service learning programs
BACKPACKING WITH A PURPOSE Operation Groundswell is a non-profit organization that runs international volunteering programs, focusing on social justice issues and working alongside local activists, organizations, and communities. We are looking for globally conscious and socially active students who want to spend their summer exploring some of the most complex and beautiful countries in the world! If […]
VanBUG] Next VanBUG Seminar: Dr. Leonid Chindelevitch Nov 5th 6pm
Vanbug_poster_2015_11 Please join us for our next VanBUG seminar with Dr. Leonid Chindelevitch from SFU Dept of Computer Science, who will give a talk titled “Modelling infectious disease epidemics” on November 5th, 2015 at 6pm. Abstract: Infectious diseases continue to affect the lives of millions of people around the world, but we still understand relatively little […]
Teaching a module in PBL
Hi All, Dr. Jones has asked me to let you know he is open to a student or student(s) teaching a module for PBL. If you are interested in doing this, please send me a title of the module and a one or two sentence description of it. Due to me by Monday, Nov 2. […]
TA required for PBL course (Problem-based Learning in Bioinformatics BIOF 505/MBB530) – CVs due Nov 2
Hi All, Dr. Steve Jones is looking a TA for his course that starts Jan and runs until April 2014. Part of the duties will include teaching a module, as well as other specified duties, such as marking assignments, depending on who applies for the position. If you are interested in this position, Please send […]
Job Opportunity for graduate students – Visual Communications Manager
Dear Graduate Administrators, We are glad to announce another job opportunity for graduate students. Please disseminate the following through your channels. The Graduate Student Society is looking to hire Visual Communications Manager. It is a part-time job which entails providing support in creation and management of the GSS’ visual content across a broad range of media, thereby furthering the […]
[VanBUG] Fwd: eHRR Seminar Series – Thursday Oct 29 4:30PM @ CFRI
The VanBUG team occasionally forwards events of interest to the localbioinformatics community. The upcoming event is posted on theBioinformatics Event Calendar at: eHHR-29Oct15
Volunteer Opportunity for Students
Genome BC’s Lower Mainland Geneskool Classroom Visits Are you interested in visiting local classes to share your enthusiasm about science with young minds? Sign up as part of our volunteer pool that visits local schools with fun activities. Help teach kids about the hereditary nature of DNA, natural selection and even get them involved in […]
TA workshop
Dear graduate program staff and advisors, Would you mind sharing the below information with your graduate students. Adriana Suarez-Gonzalez MSc. PhD candidate, University of British Columbia @AdriSuarezGonz Hi all TAs teaching undergraduate courses in biology! Are you looking to boost your CV with professional development in teaching? Are you passionate about teaching? Do you want […]
B.I.G. Retreat – call for volunteers
Hi All, If you would like to volunteer for the annual B.I.G. retreat (BIOF, IOP and GSAT programs), please send me your name by Monday, October 19th. This is a great way to get to know people in the program (s) and also have a volunteer experience for your CV. Please do not volunteer if […]
Faculty positions in China<